Saturday, March 21, 2009

Cedric Diggory wallpaper


  1. you really like robert pattinson! lol :) he's not bad:)

  2. In other words, these are icons all in one piece? LOL (I'm not liking the swear word in the lower right and I know you wouldn't have really wanted to put that there...)
    And no, I'm not a HP fan, but I can tell you're creative. :D Cool blog!

  3. Amy: He's ok. I wish he'd wash his hair once in a while, though :P I made this for a friend of mine.

    Margaret: HI! Thank you for telling me! I didn't see it! I made this for a friend who's in love with Cedric Diggory, and I just searched Cedric Diggory avatars on Iconator and used all the ones that weren't animated. Thanks for letting me know! :)

  4. Sorry i cant like Cedric Diggory's Actor... He did Twilight! UGH!


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